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30 days right of return

Product complaint

Important: If you have purchased your items from a retailer, they are your direct contact. So please contact your retailer directly! For legal reasons, complaints must always be dealt with at the place where the purchase contract was concluded and the item was handed over.

The statutory warranty period of two years applies to all items purchased from the TROLLKIDS webshop. Please contact our customer service directly with your complaint within this period:

We will then be happy to check whether a replacement part, price reduction, exchange or return is possible and help you with the individual steps. We generally need the following information from you to process a complaint:
  • Order number
  • Article number see care label
  • Photos of the damage

If the warranty period of two years has been exceeded, there is no defect in material or workmanship or the product has not been washed or cleaned before being sent in, we reserve the right to reject a complaint.