official manufacturer's store
Free shipping (DE)
Free return shipment (DE)
30 days right of return


If an item does not meet your requirements, you can simply return it to us free of charge within 30 days (only in Germany). Use the free returns label enclosed with your shipment. 
You are responsible for the return costs from other countries.
You no longer have the return documents to hand or have further questions about the returns process? Then contact our customer service:
Please understand that we only take back unused items. Please ensure that you do not remove any labels or soil the item. The item must not show any signs of use.



If you return an entire order, you will be refunded the amount you paid at the time of purchase. If you return fewer items than the entire order, you will only be refunded the amount for the items you have returned. We will endeavor to refund you within seven to ten days of receiving your return.



Received the wrong article?

If you have accidentally received an incorrect or unordered product, you can return it to us as normal. Please inform us accordingly on the return slip.

Exchange article

Unfortunately, we cannot offer an exchange. If you would like a product in a different size or color, for example, please place a new order. Your desired product can then be sent to you as quickly as possible.


Return address

 c/o WM Group GmbH 
Pilgerstraße 29 
D-45473 Mülheim an der Ruhr 

If you have any questions, please contact our customer service team: